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24/7 Gym Opens in Buffalo Grove

Workout Anytime might be a new name in town, but it’s one that company officials expect will soon be widely recognized.

The fitness center officially opened Saturday at 700 S. Buffalo Grove Grove Road. It’s the company’s first location in Illinois, but it certainly won’t be the last, said Workout Anytime officials, who are planning to expand to 25 clubs in the Chicago suburbs.

Buffalo Grove was selected as its first Illinois site for its demographics and because officials found little competition for the concept, which offers members all-hours access to no-frills workouts.

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“We really like this location a lot,” co-owner Eric Nagel said.

“The thing that differentiates this concept from the big box is that we have a more family feeling,” added Nagel, who co-owns the facility with Jeff Cercy. “We feel that we give people exactly what they want at a great price.”

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Workout Anytime offers treadmills, elliptical machines, stationary and recumbent bikes and a stair climbing machine as well as strength training equipment in its 5,200 square feet. 

Members can enroll for $99. They then choose either basic gym access for $15 per month or a $25 premium plan that includes access to the center’s tanning and massage beds and guest privileges.

As its name suggests, Workout Anytime is open 24/7 every day of the year. Staff will be present from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Key cards will allow members to enter any other time.

More than 500 members have already joined the Buffalo Grove facility, according to company co-founder Steve Strickland, who was in town Friday to prepare for the opening.

A grand opening celebration that will include a deejay, food and various promotions is planned for Oct. 26.

Workout Anytime opened its first location in Atlanta in 1999 and its founders started franchising in 2006. The company currently has 46 open facilities and has sold more than 80, Strickland said.

“Our motto is, ‘think big, keep it simple and do it with integrity,” co-founder John Quattrocchi said. Keeping with the “family feeling” that Nagel mentioned, owners are encouraged to get to know their members and greet them by name, Quattrocchi said. 

Workout Anytime will soon open another facility. Plans are in place for a second gym in Wauconda and they are also planning to open a facility in Libertyville, Nagel said.

Strickland said his goal is to open 100 locations in Illinois over the next two years.

Visit the Workout Anytime website for more information.

Previously: 24/7 Gym Coming to Buffalo Grove

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